Whiteley WAGs WI
A modern twist on the traditional WI
Our calendar of extra events for you to take part in.
Full details are in the monthly newsletter sent to every member.
If you are not at a meeting but would like to sign up for an event,
please email whiteleywags@gmail.com
Please scroll through to a look at the wonderful crafts we have tried out
Open to members of Whiteley WAGs WI only
Craft Club was one of the first clubs set up by WAGs, and from small beginnings is now regularly attracting more than 30 members to our monthly meeting.
Ability or skill levels do not matter - join in, have fun and lose yourself for a couple of hours of wonderful mindful crafting therapy
and a cup of tea or coffee.
We meet at Whiteley Primary School on the FIRST Thursday of every month from 7pm to 9pm, excluding the August meeting when we have a get together in a local pub.
The charge is £4 per person to cover the cost of the room hire.
If you would like to take part please let us know by emailing
We are a friendly group and we welcome members of our WI to join.